Springstead High School Athletics

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Mandatory NFHS Courses

As per FHSAA Policies 40.1.1, 41.1 and 42.1.1, all student-athletes are required to watch the following FREE NFHS Learn courses annually.

NFHS Concussion for Students
NFHS Heat Illness Prevention
NFHS Sudden Cardiac Arrest

Course Ordering

Step 1: Go to

Step 2: “Sign In” to your account using the e-mail address and password you provided at time of registering for an nfhslearn account. OR If you do not have an account, “Register” for an account.

Step 3: Click “Courses” at the top of the page.

Step 4: Scroll down to the specific course from the list of courses.

Step 5: Click “View Course”.

Step 6: Click “Order Course.”

Step 7: Select “Myself” if the course will be completed by you.

Step 8: Click “Continue” and follow the on-screen prompts to finish the checkout process. (Note: There is no fee for these courses.)

Beginning a Course

Step 1: Go to

Step 2: “Sign In” to your account using the e-mail address and password you provided at time of registering for an nfhslearn account.

Step 3: From your “Dashboard,” click “My Courses”.

Step 4: Click “Begin Course” on the course you wish to take.

For help viewing the course, please contact the help desk at NFHS. There is a tab on the upper right hand corner of If you should experience any issues while taking the course, please contact the NFHS Help Desk at (317) 565-2023.